First graders talked about growing lettuce in recycled plastic bottles and starting seeds in their salad bed;
Second graders talked about composting, growing salad and salsa gardens and starting seeds under grow lights;
Third graders talked about their butterfly garden and their monarch butterfly chrysalises and butterfly, using grow lights and the Three Sisters Garden;
Fourth graders talked about native plants in our Native American Garden and how the Chumash used them. They showed a smudge stick made from white sage and wove deer grass.
Fifth graders talked about experiments growing wheat as well as growing lettuce that Thomas Jefferson planted when he was alive.
After the presentations the presenters and the tour guides showed people around the upper raised beds, the 3rd grade butterfly garden and the Native American Garden on the main patio.
Prior to the presentations, we were entertained by members of the Marquez Jazz Band lead by Mr. Dane.
Thanks to the parents for the refreshments, and the students and the teachers for making posters and preparing presentations for the event.
This year 17 classes participated in the gardening program. A new high!
The garden celebration day concluded with a kale smoothie and veggie give-away after school courtesy of Gelson's Markets.