Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ms. Gardner's class in the garden

On December 16, Ms. Gardner's class visited the garden. We reviewed recycling and what residents put in the blue, black and green bins provided by the city. We then discussed that we can compost items that currently go in the blue and green bins such as as paper, yard waste and food waste such as fruit, vegetables, coffee grounds and egg shells.

We layer the items, known as browns and greens and add water so the bin has a consistency of a damp sponge. After a few months we'll add this compost to the garden.

We also discussed root vegetables that we're growing in the garden. The kids should now be able to tell the difference between radishes and beets.

After the lesson the kids planted seeds, watered and composted items that I'd brought from home.

The kids enjoyed tasting arugula, mint, carrots, radishes and even golden beets!

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