Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ms. Gardner's Class Plants in the Salsa Garden

On March 15 Ms. Gardner's 2nd graders planted in their salsa bed. They planted cilantro seeds, onion and garlic bulbs and a tomato seedling.  The tomato seedling is a sun gold, a variety of a cherry tomato. Cherry tomatoes do well in our climate zone.

Ms. Marie showed the children how to plant a tomato seedling so it grows well: take off the bottom 1/3 leaves and then bury the plant up to the new bottom leaves. The places where the leaves were growing, as well as the tiny hairs on the stem will become roots and the plant will be stronger than it would have been if it'd been planted without removing the leaves.

Before planting the students harvested some romaine lettuce that they planted several months ago. They made a small salad later in the day. They also used trowels to turn the soil in the bed and mix in compost.

The bed is right outside of the classroom so the children will be able to water and watch the plants grow.

Harvesting romaine lettuce

Planting a tomato seedling

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Ms. Fein's 2nd Graders Plant in the Salsa Garden

Today Ms. Fein's 2nd graders planted in the Salsa Garden.  We introduced the lesson in the classroom. Several children knew that salsa means sauce in Spanish.  We also discussed the ingredients in salsa. We're planting tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, onion and garlic.

Ms. Marie showed the children a good way to plant a tomato seedling to make a stronger plant-take off the bottom 1/3 or 1/2 stems and leaves and flowers and then plant the seedling up to the current bottom branch. All of the hairs on the stem and the places where the other leaves and branches were will become roots.  The children helped plant the seedlings.

Children also planted seeds of cilantro and jalapeno pepper, onion starts and some garlic. They learned that you plant the seed twice as deep as the seed is wide. In the case of these seeds they barely cover them.

We put tomato cages around the plants to keep the branches and fruit off of the ground. Tomorrow we'll put a cover on top of the seeds to keep them warmer and help them germinate more quickly. Thanks to Ms. Ashley for helping.

After planting the children enjoyed a snack of salsa and tortilla chips. This food was generously donated by Gelson's Market, one of our community sponsors.  When the children harvest the vegetables as 3rd graders they will make their own salsa!

Planting a Sun Gold tomato seedling

Planting jalapeno pepper seeds donated by Renee's Garden Seeds

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ms. Soo's 1st Graders Plant in Their Salad Garden

This week Ms. Soo's 1st graders planted in their raised bed. The bed is right by their classroom so they'll be able to watch the seeds germinate and grow.

Before planting the children used trowels to turn the soil. We had added some Armstrong's Organic Compost the day before. They learned that trowels are small and shovels are big.

The children planted heirloom lettuce seeds and carrot seeds that were donated to the school by Seed Savers Exchange and Renee's Garden.  They planted orange and purple carrots. The bed already contains some arugula that was self seeded from last year's plants.

The lettuce seeds and carrot seeds are very tiny. The children sprinkled them on the soil and then barely covered them. The rule for planting depth is to plant twice the diameter of the seed.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Ms. Creed's 1st Grade Class Plants a Salad Garden

On February 28 Ms. Creed's 1st graders planted a salad garden in the raised bed. They planted heirloom seeds of lettuce and carrots. They planted seeds of both purple and orange carrots. The seeds were donated to our school by Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds and Renee's Garden. We planted Renee's Rainbow Carrots and Snacking Carrots and Baker Creek's Carrot Nantes Scarlet.

Before planting the children mixed in the compost with trowels to feed the soil.  When planting they dribbled the seeds and then barely covered them with soil since the seeds are so tiny.

Feb. 28-Lettuce seeds planted.

We also planted two tomato seedlings. Ms. Marie took off the bottom one-third of the stems and planted the seedlings deeper in the ground. Where the stems were will become additional roots.

We covered the seed area with a white cloth to keep the soil warmer and speed up germination. On March 9 we could see that some seeds had germinated.

The children also planted lettuce seeds in recycled plastic bottles. The tops were covered with saran wrap until the seeds sprouted.
As of March 9 the seeds had grown about two inches!

March 9-Seedlings are tall!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Ms. Chaides' 4th Graders Plant White Sage and Vegetable Seeds

Yesterday Ms. Chaides' 4th graders did two types of planting.

We first reviewed the use of white sage by the Chumash-they dry leaves, tied them together and made a smudge stick which they then burn in a ceremony.  Some students then planted the plant outside the room.

Next the children planted seeds and a basil seedling in the Pizza Garden that they are sharing with Ms. Palo's class. They planted heirloom basil, cilantro and onion seeds. They also planted two roots from a green onion which will grow into new onions.

The bed already has a jalapeno pepper, two tomato plants and a kale plant.

Ms. Smith's 1st Graders Plant in their Salad Garden

Yesterday Ms. Smith's 1st graders planted in their salad bowl raised bed. They planted seeds of watermelon radish, red lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, cilantro, purple carrots and orange carrots. All of the seeds are heirloom seeds donated by either Renees or Seed Savers Exchange.  Carrots were very popular!  The children learned to barely cover the small seeds.

Ms. Marie planted an heirloom tomato plant and showed them the correct way to plant this type of seedling. We took off the bottom 1/3 branches (which will become roots as will the tiny hairs on the seedling). We then planted the seedling so the bottom 1/3 was covered by soil. This will make a stronger plant.

Before planting the children dug in the compost that was added to amend the bed and make the soil healthy.  We also added fertilizer before watering. We covered the bed to keep the seeds warm and help them germinate quicker.

Ms. Smith's class and Ms. Creed's class are sharing this bed.