Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ms. Gardner's Class Plants in the Salsa Garden

On March 15 Ms. Gardner's 2nd graders planted in their salsa bed. They planted cilantro seeds, onion and garlic bulbs and a tomato seedling.  The tomato seedling is a sun gold, a variety of a cherry tomato. Cherry tomatoes do well in our climate zone.

Ms. Marie showed the children how to plant a tomato seedling so it grows well: take off the bottom 1/3 leaves and then bury the plant up to the new bottom leaves. The places where the leaves were growing, as well as the tiny hairs on the stem will become roots and the plant will be stronger than it would have been if it'd been planted without removing the leaves.

Before planting the students harvested some romaine lettuce that they planted several months ago. They made a small salad later in the day. They also used trowels to turn the soil in the bed and mix in compost.

The bed is right outside of the classroom so the children will be able to water and watch the plants grow.

Harvesting romaine lettuce

Planting a tomato seedling

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