Tuesday, November 19, 2013

3rd grade gardening: garden club and Ms. Schwartz's class plants in the garden

Yesterday half of Ms. Schwartz's class planted in one of the third grade plots. They added beet and lettuce seeds. In addition, several of the boys planted seeds of bachelor buttons in the butterfly garden. The boys were especially interested in planting while the girls enjoyed looking at the worms in the worm bin.

I brought several types of vegetables for them to identify-beets, carrots (easy), radishes, scallions and kale.We discussed that carrots and beets are classified as root vegetables because people eat the roots, however people can also eat the beet greens. You can tell which kind of beet (yellow or purple) by looking at the veins in the beet leaves. Many kids liked the smell of scallions. We discussed that people often add chives and scallions to potatoes.

The kids enjoyed tasting chives and mint from the butterfly garden.

At recess, some girls planted more lettuce in the third grade plot.  Thanks to Veronica Kissane for volunteering during lunch recess and the class garden time!

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