Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ms. Gardner's class learns about uses of native plants, mulch and measurement in the garden

Today Ms. Gardner's class learned about some of the uses of California native plants by the Chumash. They studied hummingbird sage, white sage, black sage, Cleveland sage, monkey flower, miner's lettuce and California poppy. Children in the first group "taught" the children in the second group. Hummingbird sage seems to be the most popular in this class.

We then had a discussion of the importance of measurement in the garden and reviewed perimeter and area. Measurement is important in planning the distance between seeds and plants. It is also useful when deciding how much mulch is needed. This lead to a description of what constitutes mulch!

Finally, three students measured the perimeter and area of three potential native plant areas at the front of the school. A good application of math in the garden!

Monkey flowers were made into a paste and used to heal wounds.

Cleveland sage was used to make potpourri.

White sage was dried and used in ceremonies.

Measuring a potential planting area

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