Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ms. Palo's Class Cooks with Kirstin Uhrenholdt

On January 28, as part of Fresh Kids Week, Chef Kirstin Uhrenholdt helped Ms. Palo's 4th graders make a kale salad. Chef Kirstin's message to the students is that you don't always need a recipe. In today's case, the kids were making their salad, so they could add what they wanted to, both today and when they do it at home. (Chef Kirstin wrote the recipes in the cookbooks The Family Cooks and The Family Dinner.

Her instruction was that you need 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. 1 t. of lemon juice or vinegar, 1 T. of olive oil, 1 handful of greens (in this case curly kale), and then 1 handful or tablespoon of whatever other ingredients.

Today's salad included kale, strawberries, wild rice, quinoa and carrots. She showed the kids how to make the dressing.  Each student got 2 strawberries, a large handful of kale, a spoonful each of rice and quinoa, 1/2 lemon and some olive oil. Two students wanted garlic for their dressing and went to the edible garden to get chives and onion to add instead. Kirstin's direction for making dressing is to taste as you go to determine if you want more of one ingredient or another. Salt and pepper can be added at the end.

This was a great lesson for both kids and adults. Thanks to the parents who came to assist.

Later that day, the kids wrote thank you notes to Chef Kirstin and also wrote down their own recipes.

Quinoa and kale with dressing

Harvesting chives

A beautiful kale salad

Chef Kirstin making dressing-squeeze lemon through fingers to catch the seeds.

Stirring the rice

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